just wondering if there's anyone else out there into mountain biking could offer some help on this...I;m trying to put together a set of my own homemade lights, quite simple but necessary after some theiving pikeys made off with my last set.
I'm not talking about little led ones but proper halogen ones...
my question is on choosing the right type of bulb; how wide should I go for the beam? there's things of 12degrees and upto 35degrees...just not sure what would be best. oh and I'll probably be going for 20-30w bulbs too. according to my moderately accurate conversions and numbers jiggery-pokery I can get about 3hrs out of a 25w bulb using an array of 22AA 2500mA batteries (two blocks of 11 each giving 13.2V but in parallel to extend burn time)...just not sure what width to go for...