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Thread: Vegetarianism

  1. #17
    Slightly off topic - I'm vegetarian for the sole reason that I don't like meat. Same reason I don't eat sprouts or drink cider - we're not all militant!

    That said (I've not watched the video, but I get the feeling I've seen similar) it's fairly well documented that if animals are bred for slaughter you get better flavoured meat - the less stress in the animal's life the better the results.

    And as for the Quorn remark by Wildmonkey (not trolling here, just putting another point of view across) - I'm a veggie, my girlfriend isn't. I have no qualms cooking meat etc for her, but it's more for convenience' sake. Plus the Quorn mince is bloody handy when you can't be chuffed to soak a load of lentils or summink for a cottage pie type thing.

    I must be the wierdest vegetarian yet though - the only two things I miss since going veggie are liver and kidneys. Note the lack of mention of bacon...
    Last edited by Splash; 27-10-2005 at 09:28 AM.

  2. #18
    Does he need a reason? Funkstar's Avatar
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    yeah my bro is the same, he never really liked meat then after coming back from a school trip he said he was going vegi. he can't eat quorn, makes him feel ill (probably his body not used to the protien) but he does eat fish.

    the one thing he says he misses is beef olives....weird!

  3. #19
    Senior Member Tobeman's Avatar
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    I can deal with vegetarians (just ). When I say vegetarians, I mean people that won't eat meat because of animal rights and what not. People that don't eat meat because they dont like it is fine, like Splash, thats down to personal taste.

    When I can't stand vegetarians, or anyone else thats special, is Friday nights. I work in a local chinese restaurant in the kitchen, and I really cannot be arsed at 11pm to cook some drunkard vegetarian a dish that I've never seen before, they request stupid stuff, that imo completely defeats the point of an unhealthy chinese

    Animals are slaughtered much like women (that sounded wrong), Eve couldn't resist temptation and ate the forbidden fruit - now you're all menstrual. Animals lost the evolution race to us, and that is why they are animals

    Bring on the flames!

  4. #20
    mutantbass head Lee H's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shelley bda
    Bacon smells soooo yummy when it's cooking, he's prolly dead jealous and would love a bacon butty
    Nah.. he has this horrible looking "facon - pronounced FAKE-ON " as I call it which looks like its SALMON pink, and burns if left under the grill for longer than 47.32 seconds.

  5. #21 EvilMunky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splash
    Slightly off topic - I'm vegetarian for the sole reason that I don't like meat. Same reason I don't eat sprouts or drink cider - we're not all militant!

    That said (I've not watched the video, but I get the feeling I've seen similar) it's fairly well documented that if animals are bred for slaughter you get better flavoured meat - the less stress in the animal's life the better the results.

    And as for the Quorn remark by Wildmonkey (not trolling here, just putting another point of view across) - I'm a veggie, my girlfriend isn't. I have no qualms cooking meat etc for her, but it's more for convenience' sake. Plus the Quorn mince is bloody handy when you can't be chuffed to soak a load of lentils or summink for a cottage pie type thing.

    I must be the wierdest vegetarian yet though - the only two things I miss since going veggie are liver and kidneys. Note the lack of mention of bacon...
    Top vegetarian

  6. #22
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    I don’t usually post on these forums but it always interests me to see what people have to say about vegetarianism as I have been a vegetarian for some years now and am moving towards becoming a vegan currently.

    Let me explain a few things most of you don’t seem to get, in my experience most vegetarians take this path because they don’t like to hurt things (I know this might be a crazy concept for some of you to appreciate), and I don’t simply mean the pain and fear involved with slaughter, which is considerable in most cases, I mean the act of taking something’s life away.

    To me it seems that causing pain/killing for pleasure is simply wrong, basically it’s a form of masochism as I see it. Some of you are probably thinking “Hey it isn’t just pleasure”, well it is… growing and eating vegetables is far more efficient in all areas from consumption to production to transportation, which is increasing important in our overpopulated and fuel hungry world. But put simply if everyone in the world was a vegetarian and all the effort of food production was geared towards this eventuality, there would be a surplus of food i.e. no world hunger. There are numerous other impacts of eating meat from health issues through disease, to cow methane which is one of the largest contributors to global warming.

    Ok what else… in terms of health vegetarianism can be a more healthy option; meat substitutes generally provide more protein and less fat, and there are numerous options from seeds to pills which provide an excellent source of required oils. But this depends on eating intelligently, then again the same applies to meat eaters...

    In response to the video, I didn’t watch it because I find them disturbing but I know what those chicken farms look like, and the vast majority of chicken you consume is probably from such places, sorry but that’s a fact. The nice sanitary, well lit death houses are now few and far between, not that it changes what they are.
    Ok I’m sounding a little militant now, but I don’t agree with any extremists and neither do most vegetarians, its like saying the KKK represent Christians, people shouldn’t let it distract them from the true debate.

    In response to some of the comments:

    Why eat fake meat?

    Our culinary culture for the last few thousand years has been based on meat for reasons listed above, sorry if it might take some time to completely re-conceptualize a fundamental part of our society, please forgive us.

    The bible says we can eat meat!

    The bible says a lot of stuff, it says we can have slaves, it says the entire earth was created to serve man, but tangible processes of positive and negative feedback in nature indicate otherwise. Also for those of us that are going to burn for all eternity in the pits hell for not believing in Jesus Christ this isn’t really a compelling argument.

  7. #23
    For every animal you don't eat, I'll eat three.

    PS: insanojoe, I challenge you to back any of those lies up with a CREDIBLE source. My guess is that you're from the city and have never been to a typical farm. You watched some PETAesque video and just repeated all of the "facts" to us. Also, the Bible doesn't say it's ok to own slaves--it just don't explicitly condemn it. Just more proof that your "facts" are from shady sources.

  8. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee @ SCAN
    Nah.. he has this horrible looking "facon - pronounced FAKE-ON " as I call it which looks like its SALMON pink, and burns if left under the grill for longer than 47.32 seconds.
    Eww bloody nora! sounds mingin, oh well all the more bacon for everyone else

  9. #25
    Hexus.Jet TeePee's Avatar
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    Religion has no place in the modern world, and certainly none in this arguement, so lets not get dragged off-topic.

    Vegetarian diets can be very healthy, but they often lack protein, which is why protein suppliments, (fake meat) like quorn are so popular. We evolved to eat meat as part of our diet.

    If you think changes to farming would solve world hunger and the greenhouse effect, you are more than a little naiive.

  10. #26
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    Smtkr if you would take the time you could source all this information for yourself and could easily find very credible evidence for almost every single fact mentioned, I have derived none of my knowledge from extremist or exceptionally bias sources. Of course I very much doubt you’ll do that given…

    “For every animal you don't eat, I'll eat three.”

    I often get aggressive reactionary comments like this, I’m sorry if you feel you are being judged by my and others choice not to harm animals, but I’m not going to tone down my beliefs to ease anyone’s conscious.
    In terms of the bible quote it again seems I hit a sore spot, I’m not here to start a theological debate I was merely suggesting that even if you believed in the bible it says a lot of stuff that made perfect sense to people a few hundred years ago, but doesn’t really translate to modern society.

    Sorry if I sound arrogant, but attack me as you like for not turning my offhand post into a referenced essay, you simply cannot provide a social or ethical argument for eating meat, although I’d like to hear try you come up with one =D

    Oh and TeePee you might want to read my post properly before calling me “naiive”, I didn’t claim that the immediate changes in farming would save the world,
    I said that if all the energy put into farming currently went into producing vegetables there would be a surplus of food and therefore idealistically no world hunger, this doesn’t translate into fairer distribution, empathetic production or anything else of the like. Oh and in terms of global warming yes there would be a significant reduction in greenhouse gases, but again not enough to “save the world” but enough to make a big difference.

  11. #27
    Senior Member Tobeman's Avatar
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    I said that if all the energy put into farming currently went into producing vegetables there would be a surplus of food and therefore idealistically no world hunger
    Yes, and we'd also be without meat, which the majority of us enjoy.

    Heheh, I knew this thread would turn out along these lines, keep it up guys!

    P.S. TeePee, I need to reply to your PM.
    Last edited by Tobeman; 27-10-2005 at 06:18 PM.

  12. #28
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    put it this way...
    can you feed a Tiger or a Cheetah Tofu??

    Nope because their Naturally Meat Eaters....

    Human Beings have such a variety of Food,it's really unbelieveable....from your Local Chippie to Light snacks....

    tbh i dont believe in a world without Meat,because it's nature for a Tiger to goutch int oa nice Zebra or a Human to tuck into a nice Steak or a Gammon Steak....

    Nerds have proven that Meat give us certain energy that no other food can give us,but take These Vegans/Vegatarians-they see it as Cruely to Animals... tis just real life

  13. #29
    Asking silly questions menthel's Avatar
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    Oh dear. What Teepee was saying was that the bible has no place in his, or many of ours views of eating meat. Simple really. I eat meat because I like it. Veg is also no more healthy than eating meat in the right ways. We have evolved to eat meat, whether you like it or not, thats what the pointy teeth are for. Our evolution is also probably parly due to the meat part of our omniverous diet. The brain requires a hell of a lot of priotein to do what it does and the best type is that from other animals. The whole nutrition thing is not a good arguement, as a life of veg or even veganism also causes problems. Certain vitamins are also best absorbed by the body from meat rather than veg, and our bodies can find it difficult to absorb nutrients from plant matter, because of our lack of multiple ruminant stomachs. Anyways thats what I have to say and if you are going to keep grumbling about religion etc then pop off and troll elsewhere.
    Not around too often!

  14. #30
    Senior Member Kezzer's Avatar
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    I eat meat, every single day, before anyone thinks I'm a veggie

  15. #31
    Seething Cauldron of Hatred TheAnimus's Avatar
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    me too, people like peta have their own agenda, if i wanted something to care about, i could find something much better than not eating chicken because of some PETA video.

    Like the lead protestor against that ginea-pig breading farm, apparently she'd had cancer with drugs based on research which was done exclusivly on animals.

    Now we all know that peta aren't above faking videos, its been insinuated from more reliable sources than peta themself.
    throw new ArgumentException (String, String, Exception)

  16. #32
    Gaarrrrr! Dav0s's Avatar
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    ever seen a organic chicken? there is no meat on it. GM is good for the most part.

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