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Thread: Scarey people?

  1. #1
    Seething Cauldron of Hatred TheAnimus's Avatar
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    Scarey people?

    Its friday, and I'm going against my cheap drinks only night policy due to the lineup offered by this revolution deally at our union. Now because RUSU (our unoin) couldn't arrange a pissup in a unoin, least not without some seriously poor music, and a whole load of political infighting that results in only the VP getting an executive chair, this is been run by outsiders.

    Now most of my friends who aren't in the lines of "who's pendulum" music loving catagory, aren't going! Some have too much work because their slackers, others have buggered off to see eblow, leaving me with only some mates who were comming down to visit me going.

    But then its hit me, its going to be jam packed full of wallet nicking pikies. Somewhat like fabric were if you've not got 2+ hits of extasy on you when frisked your not allowed into VIP.

    Now basically, why do i goto so many nights like that? So much drum n base, its by no means the only type of music i go out for, but still why.

    In closing, do you ever go out to places u don't really 'fit in' just because the music lineup looks good?
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  2. #2
    Shunned from CS:S Trippledence's Avatar
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    Okay... Not really. Apart from when i went to see Athleat and there where loads of like 8 year old girls there. But there where some nice older ones ..

    So it doesnt really matter, theres bound to be someone else like you..

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnimus
    Its friday, and I'm going against my cheap drinks only night policy due to the lineup offered by this revolution deally at our union. Now because RUSU (our unoin) couldn't arrange a pissup in a unoin, least not without some seriously poor music, and a whole load of political infighting that results in only the VP getting an executive chair, this is been run by outsiders.

    Now most of my friends who aren't in the lines of "who's pendulum" music loving catagory, aren't going! Some have too much work because their slackers, others have buggered off to see eblow, leaving me with only some mates who were comming down to visit me going.

    But then its hit me, its going to be jam packed full of wallet nicking pikies. Somewhat like fabric were if you've not got 2+ hits of extasy on you when frisked your not allowed into VIP.

    Now basically, why do i goto so many nights like that? So much drum n base, its by no means the only type of music i go out for, but still why.

    In closing, do you ever go out to places u don't really 'fit in' just because the music lineup looks good?
    So what your saying is DnB nights = pikeys?

    Maybe your going to the wrong nights? just a thought? If you know what i mean

  4. #4
    Seething Cauldron of Hatred TheAnimus's Avatar
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    No, this is really quite the standard for DnB nights in the south it would seam.

    Weed, the amount of people smoking weed, the security staff just gave up. In 2 and half years of frequenting our unoin, i've never once smelt weed in the main area.

    Mates getting a round, some guy comes up and just takes the chair. To his shock he realises i'm taller than him, and saying "excuse me, that's my friends chair whos getting us drinks at the bar". He's response "I'll punch you". Now again, i've never been started on by someone quite so stupid, completely failing to notice the 12 bouncers that were all busyily trying to think what they can do about the people smoking weed without having a roit on their hands. I just can't comprehend the confusion of ideas that leads to such esculation and provication. Mainly because i could of so blatently had him (before anyone thinks theirs an element of heroics) But he seamed stunned when i just laffed at him and said "thats not very polite, your not from round here are you". The reason i'm telling this tale of drunken supierority is that i realised something.

    I was worried about getting in a fight with poeple like him, but i remebered that he must of been fealing like a fish out of water, and its my home ground.

    Anyway, someone set of the fire alarm, before people had got their coats, someone told the police someone had been stabbed, so 4 police cars came to join the fun, some idoit started a big fight trying to get back into the "unsafe" building to get his coat back. Apparently 12 people were arrested (but i think its an exageration).

    Not happened before at our unoin, and i doubt Revolution will be allowed back enless they ticketed enough money to make up for the troubles.

    just my rant.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member specofdust's Avatar
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    This is, just, unfortunately what DnB fans have to put up with in many parts of the UK

    I know a girl in Finland who regularly goes to gigs/raves/parties with DnB, techo, trance...many different sorts of music, and the neds over there don't attend any of 'em, its just unfortunate that many of the neds in this country are really into DnB.

    As for smoking weed at a DnB event...stoopid noobies

  6. #6
    hexus.monkey monkeyville's Avatar
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    I had a ticket to see Pendulum and Nicky Blackmarket (i think) at a club in Manchester but when i got to the door and saw the guys lined up at the door i decided to sell the ticket to some drugged up chav for a nice profit and i went out for a quiet night with some of my mates who have long since given up on DnB. I just didnt fancy dancing next to some drugged up nutter intent on hitting things and unable to control the flailing limbs. Its a real shame that such a great genre of music is dominated by a group in society who's only meaning in life seems to be to cause trouble. Sounds like you night out was more fun though
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  7. #7
    HEXUS.Metal Knoxville's Avatar
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    I only go to clubs where I can feel comfortable and enjoy the music, it defeats the point otherwise imo

  8. #8
    Seething Cauldron of Hatred TheAnimus's Avatar
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    Erm, i'll be dammned when i stop going to see an act i really wanted to (pendulum) just because of some idoits. Why do I win there?

    They don't really ruin it, for me its not a problem, its only -1 and i live 5 mins away from the venu, so i didn't bring a coat, so the fire alarm didn't really inconvience me.

    Only one person started on me, who clearly wasn't going to do anything (due to massive security presence).

    In all it was a really good night, the major anoyance been the really short time pendulum were up for.

    I guess the awsner to my question why do i bother, is because i'm a stubbern person! Still its better to have some drugged up idoitic pikies, than emo kids who want you to buy them drink because their too young!
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