What really gets you going and in the mood for a real good fragfest?
Drum and Bass
What really gets you going and in the mood for a real good fragfest?
I'm sure we have a music forum somewere, but it is hard to find...
In answer to your question, most people find it hard to pidgeon hole them selves into one type of music. ( In answer to the title question)
I guess for a fragfest, I could be any.. mostly froms of dance, and Metal. But any song with a nice beat can get you in the mood.
I listen to everything....but a good hip hop song never fails.
Listen to all sorts, but lots of dance music.
I listen to anything aswell tbh im not pickie.. but to answer ur question ^ ^ Drum and Base as i seem to be able to base game play around the beat of the music on some games
Originally Posted by Noni
I listen to alot of stuff, but mainly metal/rocky stuff...thing is it's getting harder and harder to put music in to 'boxes' these days, and even when you do there are so many sub-boxes...i think a friend and I came up wtih over 30 different types of metal at once point, with examples of bands for each...crazy really
Take indie as a prime example. Indie as I know it is stuff like oasis, blur, cast - the kind of music with a kick to it but that was still easy to get into, not too heavy, not too pop like. These days indie means things like the killers, franz ferdinand etc - which is completely different to what I would call indie. To me the killers etc are pop, and they all sound very similar to my ears (but that goes for any genre you dont like i guess)
But best way to see my music tastes personally is
so from that profile I would say metal with a bit of punk, alt-rock and emo-metal thrown in for good measure. Plus although it doesnt really show it there i'm loving my euro metal atm, dragonland are a cool band
Yeah, bust a cap in them home boi!!Originally Posted by DeludedGuy
If I must categorise myself, then metal all the way for me.
none of them industrial/ebm mainly....
hip hop i can do the sexy bum dance down to a tee
other that that any im easy mee
Kitty cat meoWWWW......ill take that kiss now...
well for me your two questions in the OP are mutually exclusive. I don't frag, so wouldn't know what sort of music to listen to while doing it
Thrash Metal ftw!
Mostly '90s rock
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