Today I purchased a GPS Speed trap detector. It cost £79.99 and can be updated by an optional USB cable and by signing up for a subscription. It already comes loaded with data and if you need to update you can either purchase a kit which allows you to update yourself whenever you want (£30 per year) or you can pay £10 whenever you want and they send you a Jiffy bag to return the device to them for a manual update! This is quite handy because we're already brimming with speed camera devices and updates don't add a huge amount of cameras to the database. I can update once every six months and pay less than most other subscriptions. If I go too fast near a camera or school, it tells me off!
It also gives me a digital readout from the GPS on my current speed. The bizarre thing is that it is 'out' by 2-4mph depending on my speed compared to my analog ford speedo.
So what is wrong? My analog constantly telling me I am doing 30mph or the GPS saying I'm doing 28mph? It's not a faulty unit - my hand held GPS gives exactly the same speed readout! Have the manufacturers decided to lie to us to slow us down?