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Thread: Utterly horrific. please help this stop.

  1. #33
    Beard hat ftw! steve threlfall's Avatar
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    Hey cmon lets not get personal now ok. Stop the childish insults you bunch of t**s

    Shiato this is barbaric but theres not a chance that any of us can do anything to stop it. To us its deeply worng but to those doing this its their way of life. Its a tradition to them. Im not saying that makes it right but whether you believe this act to be right or wrong is purely down to your own perception of this event

  2. #34
    Photographer; for hire!! shiato storm's Avatar
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    no punky thats not what I said - can you read? well I guess you can, put that wacky tobacky down and read it again...
    I said:
    I don't go around stamping on slugs because I want too, nor spiders or ants. there's no reason for it, i know lots of people do but how am I going to stop them?
    no its simply a case of them destroying NOT ONLY beautiful animals BUT ALSO having nothing in place that supports the populations from which their 'meat' is taken. and thirdly i love dolphins so I can't see why they should continue this activity in today's attitudes towards wildlife etc.
    oh no - sorry to have quoted myself but I think you might have misinterpreted my post. I do not go around jumping on spiders simply for the fact that there is no reason for it. and yes it must upset the food chain a bit but think about this a moment;
    killing 2000+ dolphins. thats 2000 animals bigger than a grown man. think how much food they put away each time they feed in order to survive!
    ok simplify - feed on dolphin how much food a day?100 sardines? more? - in a school of 2000 dolphins thats already a lot of sardines that need to go around.
    squish a spider in the bath - not quite the same impact I'm afraid but I understand where you're coming from, and I appologise if I insulted your intelligence back there - i'm just pissed off at what they appear to be getting away with here. damn it.
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  3. #35
    Photographer; for hire!! shiato storm's Avatar
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    true steve - but enough voices can make others see at least whats going on and perhaps not bring it entirely to a top but a form of 'damage limitation' ... making sure that there is a definite way that dolphin populations are not decimated by this but are able to recover somewhat.
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  4. #36
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    Its called fishing

    It's called fishing.

    Seriously though, jumping on the bandwaggon due to one (recently publicised) incident is not going to save the world, or change your life or that of the dolphins. You'll have forgotten about it by the time you eat your tea tomorrow, which may very well be fish, and if not, will almost certainly contain mammal.

    If you're against killing dolphins, you should be against killing all animals. Period.

    Unless, perhaps they're endangered, which dolphins aren't, along with baby seals, foxes, and, incidentally, most fish.

    Having said that, there's no real evidence that species becoming extinct effects the eco-system at all.

    Don't go mad because of the "iddie baby" dolphins getting butchered. Go mad at animals being butchered, or shut up. And that should most likely include insects, rats, spiders, snakes and certain forms of fungus.

    I personally think we should solve the problems in our own species (disease, poverty, hostility, etc. etc.) before we worry about sealife, vermin, sentient vegetables and rocks.

    I object to greenpeace etc. spending hundreds of thousands of pounds dragging sick whales of beaches or whatever.

    Having said that, I concur that the millenium dome and the £500 a roll wallpaper in parliament or whatever, are less worthy.

    And the reason I hate fox hunting, is because all the people that do it are ponces.

    What a rubbishrubbishrubbishrubbish rubbishrubbishrubbishrubbish world it is.

    And yes, I know Dolphins are mammals and they have 150,000 different squeaks representing kinds of water.

    I expect hostility...

    Give a man a fish...

  5. #37
    Photographer; for hire!! shiato storm's Avatar
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    i think you too have missed the point, if such fishing continues what happens? dolphins no longer around. i'm sure many people don't want to see that happening. and what of other species we ovr fish - look at cod for example. populations are utterly buggered now, thanks to us humans.
    survival of the fittest? ok - you go out and kill a rabit or catch a fish for your food. go on. can you? really? no, thought not - its not about that is it. today all you need to do is go to tescos or somewhere, so that hardly promotes survival of the fittest. if we did live by that principle many of us would not be here today.
    this world is too over populated and if you look at studies done on over populated species the will suddenly collapse - either by lack of resources (food etc) or wide-spread disease. ok so we have doctors that can help a bit but what about these 'super-bugs' and things, we're already seeing infectious diseases that can't be stopped in parts of the world, and in tightly pack populations these things spread like wild-fire. just look at the common cold, or more recently that cruise ship 'aurora' ...
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  6. #38
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    I don't think I've missed the point.

    The only species overpopulating this planet is humanity... most other species regulate themselves quite nicely... with exceptions.

    I don't think dolphins really are in danger... Remember the whale crisis? now they reckon there's loads of them, we're just too dumb and not amphibious enough to find them.

    I have indeed tried on a few occasions, in vain, to catch a cod... they are a rare breed indeed around Britain. They probably buggered off to find somewhere nicer. 40 years ago it was the cheapest, nastiest, only the poor really ate it kind of a fish. That is now probably prawns, although the posh bistros won't tell you that.

    My real point, I guess, is not to over-emotionalise the latest reports of animal harassment... it's been going on for years...

    It may very well be soon that the human population will be decimated by a population curbing plague... and in unimaginable irony, it will no doubt be human engineered. But look on the bright side... God knows we could do with a drop in property prices.

    I think one way or another, our current human behaviour is part of an evolution that is leading us somewhere... Where? I hear you ask... well, it could be a 2000AD mega-city/cursed earth affair, or perhaps a serene and beautiful, yet underneath horrifying Logan's run type of thing. Perhaps aliens will stop buggering about playing hide and seek and land and help us out... or perhaps we'll be hit by an asteroid and all be extinct because someone at NASA left the lense cap on there telescope, only realised when it was too late to do anything.

    Our politicians are blindly failing to take us anywhere fast, so I say let nature take it's course.

    Poignant facts: Nothing on earth could live without nuclear energy; the oil we burn was produced naturally, millions of years ago (ain't it lucky that it burns well?); the hole in the ozone layer is shrinking again (bugger say the greenies, back to friggin' dolphins again) ; Dolphins are little smarter than playful dogs (but aint they cute?). Drinking destroys brain-cells, but that's why we love it.

    And through it all, not a single one of us has the faintest idea how, why, when or where 'it' all really started or is going.

    But rest assured, our dolphin friends will perish with us or live to prosper... we, as individuals and as species, are not the judge.

    Rant, rant, rant, I do love a good rant.
    So glad no-one called me an a**hole like I was expecting, perhaps forums are indeed intelligent debates...

  7. #39
    Photographer; for hire!! shiato storm's Avatar
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    valid point on property prices... I'v had my eye on a mansion down the road....

    hopefully we wont 'scorch the earth' and all live in mega-cities, neither will we live under ground to be killed at the age of 30 'a-la-logan's run' (my god thats an old film, I take it you saw it a short while ago on telly, slightly weird film but interesting concept) and yes our politicians are blindly 'not leading' us at all by merely showing us how NOT to do it.
    nuclear energy...sun burning lots, producing solar radiation, plants grow...yadayadayada...tada! humans exist.
    but I think its weird whats going on at the moment, its as though humans are totally wrecking the world either by killing off one thing or another (often themselves) and its depressing to see it get as far as it has before anyone bothers to go - "erm hang on a moment...remember those big rhino type things that run around with big horns. where have they gone?..."
    I guess I struggle to see why people don't put more thought into a lot of what goes on in this world. sad really. we're our own end.
    hopefully this thread at least is populated by intelligent beasts who are able to provide interesting you so far have proved. 'cause I havent called you and a*hole...yet
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  8. #40
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    Lol Platinum, survival of the fittest?

    Doesn't really count when you're talking about humans.

    We have the power to wipe out every drop of life on the planet in hours - possibly removing all life from the universe.

    We've evolved beyond, "Ug ug, me stronger than deer, me spear deer, me eat dear, ug ug".

    We can wipe out entire species in no time at all but that doesn't mean we should, does it?

  9. #41
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    why don't they simply farm dolphins? or would it be to be cruel to pen-in such intelligent creatures, they get bored they taste like?

    *gets a strange hankering 4 a dolphin butty.....*

    (does that make me evil lol?)

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