This was in the newspaper yesterday and again in todays Daily Mail - I don't read it but it was left on the seat of the train as I was coming home, as I think you will agree it is slightly distrurbing and also upsetting to see what is taking place in Japan at the moment...
it is absolutely appalling. firstly the slaughteing of any animal I find slightly disturbing but the fact that there is unprevented murdering of such beautiful creatures going on is utterly senselss. Now, I'm not you're mad environmentalist who likes to go and live up a tree to protest about a new by-pass, nor am i a vegetarian hell-bent on turning the world to eating nuts and berrys BUT how can anyone in their right minds allow what's going on here to continue??
why does everyone turn a blind eye??
its simply monsterous.
what they do is in a town called Taiji the fishermen watch for shoals of dolphins in open water then surround them driving them into a bay and then pull nets across the bay's entrance to prevent them escaping. people jump in the water and loop ropes onto the mammal's tails and drag them onto the boats where their throats are cut and they bleed to death as they are being butchered for their meat. Even worse than this is the frenzy going on in the dolphin group as they rush around maddly trying to escape - injuring themselves in the process. not to mention the potential stress these close family groups suffer in the process (dolphins swim in family groups rarely splitting up, they can therefore be quite large).
the water turns red with the blood of dying dolphins.
whaling commissions have no legal powers over these aweful activities and typically the Japanese government is turning a blind eye...Japanese scientists are forbidden to release data on dolphin populations (or many other wildlife types they actively hunt and kill) to international scientific groups being highly protective of their coastal waters. if International scientists did find out the hard facts of this reality the almost certainly a ban would be called...
So, I think we - collectively - need to make a stand and do something. you can't say dolphins aren't wonderful and intelligent creatures. I shall be writing to the Japanese Embassy in light of what I have seen in the papers. sod their f*ing fishermen, Japan is cr*p when it comes to environmental awareness on living animals. another example I shall state is their disregard for the lives of MILLIONS of sharks to make - what is essentially a pretty disgusting food - Shark Fin soup. to make this they take one shark, slice the fins off, WHILST ITS ALIVE, and throw live finless body back into water. a lingering death comes to that shark...
the Japanese Embassy address is:
101-104 Piccadilly
London W1J 7JT
United Kingdom
address it to the Counsulate General and you should get noticed. For your information the Ambassador at the moment is called Masaki Orita