Hi there, I just thought a light hearted Competition was in order!
Can you do "The Best Negative Feedback ever (in 80 words or less)" ?
Prize is immortality on the e-bay site..
Basically I bought a Laptop from a girl, it had a stock photo and was described as used. No other hint as to it's true condition.
So when it turns up it's lid is scratched and marked severely, there is a fag burn near the track point, no software discs, some sellotape holding a little side panel on, a small crack near the hinges, it stank of smoke and was badly packaged....
So I got burnt, my own fault...I'm currently pursuing here through paypal...
But can you word some killer feedback for me?
Nothing rude or offensive, just killer...
The Winner:
I ended up withOriginally Posted by Nick
Originally Posted by aeonf242