Awwww the Devil invented Cheesecake, you can't stop eating at one piece! it's evil evil stuff
Any flavour works for me, especially Cherry and Strawberry
Last edited by shelley bda; 17-09-2006 at 09:26 AM.
Cheesecake? T'is truely a gift of the Gods! (Of cheese). I know a few people who didn't even know cheesecake had cheese in it.. how perculiar... I mean.. how could it be a cake of cheese without the precious cheese?
Strawberry is the superior cheesecake, the classic, and the most gorgeous
The best cheesecake i ever had was the cheescake factory in Houston USA mentioned earlier in the thread, about 20 differnet kinds i couldn't decide on a favourite they were all to good
Last edited by atifds9; 17-09-2006 at 03:06 PM.
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