okay, i bought myself a new computer from dell using thier financial services.

now, all seems well, but im a bit concerned as i faxed through my documents, and i recieved an email saying that one of the pages was illegible, and they attached the fax (.tif) now this would be fine, apart from i noticed that the email regarding this was carbon copied to someone at yahoo.com (radhagaurangi@yahoo.com) - a quick google search provided nothing from this email account.

there was also a phone number with an extension number to call, i phoned it, and i couldnt get through, kept coming up dialling the wrong extension number and cutting me off (0870 9075128 Extn 73523) it kept saying dialling 20000 when i dialed that extension.

nowhere is open today i.e. the customer service lines so i cant find out anymore information.

the reason im concerned is that the tif file has my switch card details contained within, so someone at yahoo now has my card details in an attachment.

is this general practise? it seems very phishy, but how would they get my fax document unless they worked at dell, and with this is mind, why would someone at Dell send my documents to someone at yahoo?

i got on the phone to a random extension number, not the one provided and all i got was someone whose grasp of english was minimal and then forwarded me onto some gaming computer specialist with no better use of english who said it may have been sent to the manager of the person dealing with it, but they couldnt tell me why it was sent to a yahoo address over a dell account.

am i concerned for nothing. i have no money in my account anyways, so they could only take a bit of my cash, but still, theft is theft if they do take anything.

has anyone ever bought from dell in this way, and did you experience similar problems?

Thanks in advance.
