ok, i used to have a kt333 mobo, instead of this new asus nf2 deluxe v2.0 whatever motherboard.. after installing all the software/drivers etc, i thought i would see how much faster this motherboard is than the old one...
only differences between the old and new system are:
- new one running at 2.2Ghz (11x200) as the vCore seems to overvolt, and 2.3 isnt stable
- dual channel memory (512mb at 200mhz) rather than just 2 sticks at 200mhz
- 52.19 (or something drivers) which came with the nvidia driver thing, rather than the 41.09 ones..
yet before i got 13500 3dmarks, and now i'm getting 12600... the geforce is clocked the same - 310/600, so anyone got any idea why its gone down?
edit: all programs in the background were closed
btw, and i tried setting the agp bus to 80mhz (as it was ont he kt333 board due to lack of dividers) but made no difference..