Hi guys
I bought an EVGA 8800GTS (320MB) a couple of months ago and my step up period is about to expire. Since then I believe the 8800GT has been released (and seems quite a bit better than the GTS). As I built my new PC a couple of months ago (and considered it "finished") I haven't been hanging around the board much recently so I've (already) lost touch a bit with the latest GPU developments.
Am I right in thinking the GT would be a good swap for my GTS?
Isn't there a new (as in new G9x chip rather than just overclocked/SSC) GTS about to come out?
If there IS a "new" new GTS am I likely to be able to step up to that or am I going to be too late? Will it be all that different/better than a GT anyway?
Or... should I not bother and stick with the GTS I have? Will 320MB be an issue in the future? Are there GTs with more RAM?
I have a 24" Dell monitor but so far have only really played Oblivion, Age of Empires 3 and the Bioshock demo. All seem to run happily (I know that two of the three are old anyway) but games like Crysis seem to be taking things to another level. That said I suppose no 8xxx GPU is likely to comfortably run Crysis at full res/quality anyway so perhaps I should stop worrying too much as there's currently no 9xxx card for me to "step up" to!
Any help/comments gratefully received.
PS I've sort of ignored the SSC GTS cards as they seem much less good value than the GT. Am I right?