ok I've got it to change around to the tv being the main screen n the monitor as things I can move stuff over to
I got the DVI to HDMI cable and I'm really disipointed with the result I've spent a few hours trying to sort it out for example I had to change the DPI percentage to 150% becuase at 1080 RES the writing was so small n blury I could not read it but now that's ok and my tv is widescreen and dose not fit correctly into my screen at the top and bottom of the screen there are black lines because the picture don't fit properly but one good thing gaming on 1080 res is lovely and sugestions to make the image quality better and for the desktop to correctly fit the screen
Its your driver, i have this EXACT same issue with my XFX 9500GT i got just after Xmas, it was fine with the drivers supplied but exhibited the same thing as you are seeing with the lasted download fron nvidia and xfx's websites.
DO NOT use the latest nvidia driver it wont work. The latest driver i could get mine working with was 178.13.
nope don't have the latest drivers I have the ones that came with card on the CD maybe I do need the latest drivers then i have had a mess around with everything the only thing that made a big difference was changing the sharpness on the TV
Just because the drivers came supplied on the cd doesn't necessarily guarentee they'll work, XFX swore blind 180.13 (or whatever they were at the time) drivers would work with my card but they didn't.
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