Frankly I'd just get one top of the range AGP card and stick the rest of the money away somewhere for a year - then you can buy what ever upgrade makes sense at that point...
Frankly I'd just get one top of the range AGP card and stick the rest of the money away somewhere for a year - then you can buy what ever upgrade makes sense at that point...
that was the reaons I brought the AGP card I have at the minute, plus SLI still seams a bit buggy, with little problems here and there, but I2 ULtras would mean, would have a beast of a pc, for once in my life, once ...
Plus the money will go if I put it aside for a year, during the year it will probably go on beer, books, broadband, rent etc ...
Plus in a year if I buy a new GFX I'd probably want to buy new ram, hd, dvd drive,I'm sure there are a number of people who started out, just upgrading that one thing, then read some reviews, see some shiney pictures and end up buying a swhole system. I started out with a fan controller and ended up buying an fx-55, 2Gb Ram, 4 Drives (raptors), Speakers, mouse, keyboard, mouse mat, 19' TFT,case ...
I think I have a problem .. Plus in a years time I won't be able to buy cards with 17.5% off and I don't have to pay it now, so thats already near £200 I will save, plus the savings in a year, when I get 'a bit carried away' and end up spending 4 grand on the worlds shinest fastest system.
Reading these posts I think I'm starting to favour the idea ... but looking at tomshardware GFX charts two gts and two ultras in SLI doesn't give that mush of a difference, but I suppose you only live once ...
Last edited by Jon-E-Durex; 28-01-2005 at 04:06 PM.
2 GTs are about 50-60% faster than a single ultra with AA/AF on. Without you're getting so CPU bound it doesn't make much odds. 2 Ultras over 2 GTs is more like 5-10% at 1600x1200, anything below that and the difference is 5% at best.
IT really depends what sort of settings and res you want to run at. If you TFT doesn't do 1600x1200 I really wouldn't even consider the ultras though.
Are you thinking about 6600GT and not 6800GTs?Originally Posted by Jon-E-Durex
NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, GBA, DS, PSone, PS2, PSP, PS3 60gb, XBOX, XBOX 360, Master System, Game Gear, Mega Drive, Saturn, Dreamcast, PC Engine, Neo Geo CD
yes was thinking of the 6600, a work mate was on about getting 2 instead of a 6800 ultra, which I said wasn't that much point and ended up thinking the 6800 gt's were 660, when I wrote what I did earlier,
Starting to favour 2 6800 gt's, but not sure if anyone would think any less of me as a man, but then for £170 i could get two ultras
do you need it?
what is your rig doing at the moment? if you dont need the upgrade, wait...
it is pointless spending money just because you have it!
buy 2 6800gts if you really wanna spend the money, 2 ultras is ludicrous! it would be as bad a sbuying a new daewoo car, and losin 30% as soon as you step into it! lol
Last edited by muddyfox470; 28-01-2005 at 05:40 PM.
Why? Why? Why?
No game needs that power. Why not get a SLI board and 1 6800Ultra. By the time any game need's 2 they will be much much cheaper. In the meantime, there are loads of better and more usful things you could buy.
No offence, but I think your nutz
i need a new GFX, but the whole idea f buying this system was to buy the best I could, (I know I could have got slightly better RAM, but i like it).
So not getting the best GFX cards would let my system down, what I'm trying to do is
1.) Save money in the long run
2.)Have a REALLY good pc
3.)Be able to play and record games at the same time at high resolution settings
Everyone knows of the pains of buying some kit (mid range) and in 6 months it near worthless and then you need to buy some more kit (mid range). If you just brought the best possible it may skip an upgrade.
And think about the difference in prices, its only 4 nights out on the town, no one would question 4 nights out, so does spending a little buit extra on a card really sound that stupid
Least I'd be happy
Last edited by Jon-E-Durex; 28-01-2005 at 05:51 PM.
Yes they do. I think you need to do some research. You are intending on spending £800 on two graphics cards, yet for £600 you can get exactly the same performance. You can easily overclock your gts to ultra speeds, which is saving you money. You could then spend the extra £200 on another Raptor and a RAID 5 controller, or buy some decent cooling and overclock that FX55 like hell.
Don't waste your money
But what if later this year you can't get the necessities, think man!Originally Posted by Jon-E-Durex
Really though I think that it seems wiser to go with a SLi board and one ultra and upgrade later. Although wisdom is relative some time.. and two ultras would be sexy.. It doesn’t really seem like a question of whether or not it’s worth it, but what you may give up. You can get cut opting for the cutting edge .
get 2 6800gts then for around £500/550 ish??
Why do students feel it necessary to blow their student loans and overdrafts on un-necessary products? Is it because you want other students to like you and by buying the latest and greatest things might get you more friends? Seriously, I'm not taking the mick, I just really wanna know...
If I was you, a student, I would seriously think hard about spending so much money on graphics card which are NOT NEEDED. By that I mean the several hundred pounds it will cost could by a couple of months food (NEEDED) or pay for some rent (NEEDED) or buy some book/materials (NEEDED). Do you see where I'm getting at?
Why do you feel as though you have to buy the best you can get on borrowed money? Heck, a £140 6600GT will easily run all games out at the moment, and if you really, really, really wanted more power you could grab another one 6 months down the line for SLI when they have come down in price.
I too think you'd be crazy to get 2 6800U's just for the sake of having the best, and no other reason. I'd even suggest someone earning £50k a year to get something a little more sensible in price. When you have a full time job you can do what you like with your money, but I really do believe you have to be careful with it as being a student is hard enough, without any money it's even harder (that comes from knowing many students who piss all their money up the will and leave Uni coz they can't afford to carry on. not being a student myself)!
Originally Posted by Jon-E-Durex
Originally Posted by Allen
What kind of games do you play?
As of date, there are only 20 programs (excluding "Unreal Engine 3") that takes advantage of SLi. It does not magically work with every program or game out there. It has to be implemented in Nvidias' drivers in order for SLi made available to the program/game.
Previous System
||3DMark01 - 18,533|3DMark03 - 6,501|Aqua Mark 3 - 43,912|[AthonXP 2500+@ 2.4Ghz - 12*200, Radeon 9800SE (unlocked) 440/369]||
Current System
||3DMark01 - 30,949|3DMark03 - 18,122|3DMark05 - 8,483|3DMark06 - 4,222|||
I'm in the third year at uni and don't have a student loan, got one the first year, relised i didn't need the money and put it all in an ISA, so buying the best hardware has nothing to do with getting myself in more debut, my uni course is in software engineering managmentm hance next year the only thing i need is a computer, so having a fast computer were i don't have to waste hours for programs to load, compile, process is quite a big priotiy, as for books etc all i need is a complier, the net and the uni library,Originally Posted by Allen
as for what games, at the minute a bit busy, only playing css, but quake 4 soon, battlfield 2, doom 3, generally FPS, want to create some gaming vids, so need to play and be able to record a game at the same time, plus next year might be doing 3d graphic's, so i don't even know how mush system resources is needed to do that
Last edited by Jon-E-Durex; 29-01-2005 at 01:58 PM.
OK, sorry for the generalisation. It's obvious your circumstances are different, and you're obviously extremely lucky not to need student loans or have rich parents.
Anyway, if you're doing a 3D graphics intensive course then you'd be better off getting lots of RAM (1-2GB) and a graphics card designed for 3D work like the nVidia Quadro range of cards. I believe there is a major difference between these types of cards (I'm not a graphical buff, maybe someone can explain better) which means these cards aren't brilliant at gaming and gaming cards aren't brilliant at 3D graphical work.
Personally I'd say go for the Quadro for your final year, get your head down and get a bloody good degree. You shouldn't have the spare time to play much games, should you? Besides, you'll have so much free time when in a working environment you can buy 2 6800U's and play to your hearts content without worrying about falling behind on coursework or being skint.
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