Hi all!
I have a Shuttle SB51g which I have had for about 3 years now and has lasted me very well. Currently I have maxed out the processor and RAM so it's the best it will accept (3.06ghz CPU and 2 gigs RAM) but my 9600XT vudeo card is now getting a bit long in the tooth and can't/won't cope very well with the latest wave of games such as Black and White 2 and the new AOE 3 etc.
I have been looking to upgrade it to the best I can get in there but my options are a bit limited due to the small form factor of the PC.
Obviously the X800XL or GTO would have been my preferred choice but these are a no-no since the cards themselves are physically too long to fit in my shuttle due to the fact they are PCI-E parts using a bridge chip for their AGP versions!
As far as I can see the choice is either an original AGP X800Pro or X800XT. Now these are quite scarce to find now as I guess they are all but discontinued in favour of PCI-E so could get a good bargain off Ebay. Is the XT version worth it over the Pro? I know you get an extra 4 pipes on the XT version but as the system is only AGP 4x anyway and the chip is a 533bus northwood I guess there would be a bottleneck so any potential performance benefits would be minimal?
Would an X800pro give a good jump in performance over my 9600XT? I'm hoping to get another year out of this system atleast. I'm not allied to Nvidia/ATI so any other suggestions welcome although I'd prefer to stay ATI as I've only just reloaded XP and don't want to have to go through trying to remove Catalyst and getting Detonator to play ball as I've seen that cause problems before
I was looking at the 6600GT which seems good value but really wanna max out with the best I can get as it will be the last upgrade before replacing the whole rig.
Any comments? Thanks for reading if you've made it this far down the post