Hi all,
I was previously just running a Dell Dimension 1100 with an unbranded router on an ADSL connection. There were never any problems with my broadband connection before.
I recently bought a Dell Inspirion 1101 with built in wifi. This laptop runs Vista Home Basic, and the desktop runs XP Home version. I replaced the old router with a BT Voyager 2094 (a rebranded D-Link I was told?) that is connected to the desktop via ethernet (as the old one was) and is running okay, and the laptop connects via wifi link.
Now, by and large it works, but I feel there are still some problems. I hope you guys can help me resolve them.
Firstly, I cannot get a site I use often using my wireless connection on the laptop, which is wwwDOTiiiDOTcoDOTuk, and I cannot even ping it using the command line. Yet the site works fine on the desktop.
I cannot post the URL properly as I have less than five posts here.
Secondly, downloads are a snail's pace using the wireless despite the fact I have an 8mb connection. I can download iTunes on this desktop in around 50 seconds, yet it took me about 2 minutes to download an mp3 of about 4mbs from a legal download site using the wireless connection.
Furthermore, when transferring files from the desktop to the laptop using a home network utilsing the wireless connection, the transfer speed at best was 600kb/sec.
I can return the laptop upto a certain point in time, and I would therefore like to resolve these problems before the so called 'point of no return'when I cannot send it back. I want to get rid of the desktop and run with the laptop only from now on, but I cannot do that if it doesn't do the basics I expect.
If I can give you further information, give me a shout. Thanks for your help.