OK, I'm lazy I'll admit it. I've not spent ages googling for the answer, I thought I'd come here first, given there are so many clever chaps here...
A little while ago I started to notice some odd slow downs on my PC. Its running Windows XP Pro, has 2Gb PC2700 RAM, a 2.5Ghz P4, and two UDMA100 HDDs (one 80Gb and one 200Gb).
The OS and apps are on the 80Gb disk. What I found was that boot-up takes longer, and that many disk read/write operations seem to interfere with running applications. I've even notice that with disk access (I can hear it), the mouse pointer 'hiccups' when you move it at the same time.
I've been thinking there is some process running doing something odd. Of course there are many things running which do disk access, but nothing odd that I can find.
Today I remembered to check the disk access mode through device manager. Both disks are set to PIO mode not DMA, even though they should be DMA! This may explain the problems. I can see no way to set the disks back to DMA. The BIOS is set correctly for the disks as well.
Has any body got any ideas on how this could have happened, whether or not it is in fact significant (I think it is), and most importantly how to fix it??