I decided to do some upgrading and purchased:
Intel QX6700
ASUS Striker Extreme Mobo
Corsair 8500 Dominator RAM
700 X-Power PSU
Now the system I had before the upgrading was working perfectly fine. Put together the new parts into the case, checked everything is connected fine then tried the power and there was a flicker of life from the fans for 1/2 sec and no beeps. Hmm. LCD reads CPU INIT so checked various forums and tried all the things like clear CMOS (making sure it is enabled), use lower voltage ram, tried various slots for the ram, tried without CPU, without ram. Everytime just getting this flicker of life from it.
Tried a different PSU and still just a flicker. After hours of trying I gave up thinking that maybe the Mobo is faulty.
Dicided to put together my original PC with all the original parts it was built with. When to power up and get a flicker of life from the fans again for 1/2 sec! Hmm. Tried swapping the PSU for the 700W and same thing again. Tried changing the power cord and still just a flicker. Tried a different wall socket for the power and still the same.
If anyone has any idea why this is happening then I'd be very grateful.