I'm having a weird freezing problem with my Samsung x20 laptop. Every few minutes the system will freeze completely, and then carry on as normal. This seems to happen more often when running on battery power. I've noticed some error 51 disk messages in Event Viewer, but they seem to relate to the external freecom drive I use.
Is there any way to check if this problem is due (as I suspect) to page file usage? I'm starting to think a reinstall might be useful, not a road I want to go down.
Checking task manager shows seven instances of svchost running, three as SYSTEM, two as LOCAL SERVICE and two as NETWORK SERVICE. There are 43 processes in total. I'm using a wireless connection to a Freecom fsg router.
"Commit charge", which I'm assuming is virtual memory, is running at 398M/1226M. Thanks to shared video RAM (I assume) I have 504MB system RAM.
Any ideas appreciated.