I've just been faced with a difficult decision to make so thought that i might ask you guys here what you think.
This is the situation:
My neighbour isn't using his MacBook Pro as much as he'd hoped so is willing to swap it for my laptop and £200.
The MacBook Pro is packed with 2.33ghz core2duo, 2gb ram, 15.4 " screen and 250gb hard drive.
My Laptop is packed with a core 2 duo 1.8ghz, 2gb ram, 17" screen and a 7900gs.
If i didnt do the deal i could maybe sell my laptop for £550 on the bay and with the £550 and £200 cash, buy a cheap laptop, buy a 360 and a ipod video...
So what would you choose?
Deal 1. The MacBook Pro
Deal 2. Ipod Video 80gb, XBOX 360 and a £400 laptop.