Hey all
I have been talking to a friend of mine and has suggested that I use RAID to get the best out of my machine.
I know there are different types of RIAD, from 0 - 6 according to a quick look at recap on Wikipedia.
Now, my question is which RAID do i use, my friend has recommended RAID 0 (Striped) but the obvious problem with this is if one drive fails I lose everything but theres an easy solution to that which is backup regularly and its advantage is the increased speed it offer.
But I know there are others that provide fault tolerance and redundancy.
The thing I do understand is that when and if I do choose to RAID I will have to format my drives.
The only thing is I dont really fancy reinstalling everything again, I have a CD with a program that will allow me to take an image of my drive, install that on a clean copy of windows which solves that problem.
So I guess what am asking is, which version of RAID do i want?