I have:
1x gecube hd4870 512 and 1x force 3d hd4870 512.
An Asus M2R32 MVP motherboard and 4 gig of RAM.
Corsair 750w (900 max output unregulated)
Since ATI's support does not actually exist and i threw money at them for nothing i have come here for help. Their forums don't actually have anyone who knows what the hell is going on.
With my above configuration i get the following problem:
Both cards enabled in crossfire : 147 frames per second in lost coast 40 frames in crysis
1 card enabled : 147 frames per second in lost coast 40 frames in crysis
I have swapped my monitor through all 4 dvi's, of which only 2 (the top card's) have the monitor doing anything, ie if i turn my pc off and use the lower card's dvi's i get nothing, pc goes on, beps 1x and nothing else.
I have tried removing 1 crossfire bridge, i have tried using both.
I am considering swapping the cards to see if anything happens.
I have tried all the new drivers and i can't find anything wrong.
My bios is the newest one i could find to install.
PLEASE HELP ME. I have paid 2x what most people would for pc parts dude to a crappy exchange rate and now i have a pc that costs 4x the level of price performance it should.
I am going to take all the screenshots i can now to help with the diagnostic process.
All the tables say that my pc should work, but it refuses to do anything.
I can't freaking take it anymore. I could have just bought new front shocks and brakes, but instead i have a pc that is 50% white elephant.