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Thread: Dial M for murder :(

  1. #1
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    Dial M for murder :(

    Just a few days ago I sorted my friend's machine with new OS (XP SP2) Machine is IBM Thinkpad R30 one supplied with Lucent Soft Modem AMR modem.

    Modem is fully functional according to OS diagnostics, it certainly responds well to many additional modem diagnostics utilities, yet every time user wishes to connect, not just to ISP number, but to any number whatsoever - we always receive > error 676 - Line is busy.

    Just for your reference, let me mention a few details that might be of revealing nature to your attention in hopefully making some remedy to this rather enigmatic behavior of this modem.

    * Both tried with default XP drivers and dedicated Lucent
    ones from IBM support sites.

    * Tried from several locations within town to verify that
    this is not an issue of phone line.

    * Tried with and without regional settings.

    After roughly some 50 times of trying to connect to ISP number it actually manages to connect,but one can hardly make any rational or logical conclusion why on earth it managed to do so when additional next 50 times (more or less) it will again fail? (error 676, line is busy)

    PS: I hear that XP SP2 has problems with huge list of modems, is there perhaps some new patch for this modem? - How and where in XP SP2 can I disable security center?

  2. #2
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    funny, i have exactly the same problem wit my Toshiba Satelite except I had with SP1 and continue to have the same problem after upgrading to SP2 of XP. Even more funny though, when I log on to my LAN at work, I have no problem connecting to my dial-up net connection, but with the same laptop and DUN, I am unable to connect from home. I have spent hours trying to figure this out and just don't seem to find an answer. Did you manage to sort your friends problem out?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volken
    Just a few days ago I sorted my friend's machine with new OS (XP SP2) Machine is IBM Thinkpad R30 one supplied with Lucent Soft Modem AMR modem.

    Modem is fully functional according to OS diagnostics, it certainly responds well to many additional modem diagnostics utilities, yet every time user wishes to connect, not just to ISP number, but to any number whatsoever - we always receive > error 676 - Line is busy.

    Just for your reference, let me mention a few details that might be of revealing nature to your attention in hopefully making some remedy to this rather enigmatic behavior of this modem.

    * Both tried with default XP drivers and dedicated Lucent
    ones from IBM support sites.

    * Tried from several locations within town to verify that
    this is not an issue of phone line.

    * Tried with and without regional settings.

    After roughly some 50 times of trying to connect to ISP number it actually manages to connect,but one can hardly make any rational or logical conclusion why on earth it managed to do so when additional next 50 times (more or less) it will again fail? (error 676, line is busy)

    PS: I hear that XP SP2 has problems with huge list of modems, is there perhaps some new patch for this modem? - How and where in XP SP2 can I disable security center?

    No idea on the modem, but to disable security center...

    Control Panel > Security Center > Resources (on the left) > Change the way Security Center alerts me

    Uncheck the box's in there as required


    EDIT: Have you tried Windows Update?
    Last edited by m0dm0; 11-10-2004 at 09:54 PM.

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