hello people
i have searching the web for a while compiling a computer system that will be used for school work and gaming (medium to high end)
this is what i have come up with
CASE-Centurian 5=£46 http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatal...Cases_126.html
MOBO=Asus A8N-SLi Deluxe nForce4 SLi=£123 http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatal...ocket_939.html
PROCESSOR=AMD Athlon 64 3000+ Winchester=£117 http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/AMD_64_Bit.html
GRAPHICS=XFX GeForce 6600 GT 128MB PCI-E=£132 http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/6600_GT.html
POWER SUPPLY=Tagan 420W Silent PSU=£57 http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/Tagan.html
RAM=Corsair 1GB DDR XMS3200XL Platinum TwinX=£176 http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatalog/Corsair_XL.html
SPEAKERS=Creative 5.1 SBS 560 Speakers http://www.overclockers.co.uk/acatal..._Speakers.html
Total=692 pounds
i already have a hardrive dont need a new one
just wanted to check that all this hardware will work in unison, eg the case has backplates in the right place for a SLI set up and that the power supply has the right connectors for SLI
also i wanted to ask does anyone know where i can buy these products for cheaper than stated here as i think the price is a little high, i hope to whittle it down by a couple of pounds
thanks very much hexus people