As detailed in this thread I had to reset my CMOS data by removing the battery the other day. I've since had a few things happen, and I'm not sure whether they're problems or not.
1. When I booted last night, the BIOS said the computer had been shut down improperly, and the CPU was being detected as an 1100MHz XP. I checked the parameters in the BIOS and all seemed well. Saving and exiting gave me a properly detected 2.2GHz XP3200+ in AIDA32 and System Information.
2. The Start menu listed loads of programs as newly installed, when obviously they aren't. I cleared this up by unchecking the relevant box in the options menu.
3. Windows asked me if I wanted to register my copy of Office 2000 with Microsoft. It only came up once, so I didn't worry about it again.
My question is, is anything else likely to have changed as a result of resetting the CMOS data? What should I check?