"D:\Programs\gcasDtServ.exe "
LOL i like the process google search on this one.. shows how much MS knows on supposedly "how to protect your pc"
click on Start click on run and type in [without quotes] "msconfig" and click ok-
click on the "Startup" tab and Untick the following from the list
"realsched.exe" -Real One Player Server Scheduler- Dont need it at startup
"jusched.exe"- Java Environment Scheduler -Dont need it at startup
"LimeWire.exe" - LimeWire -because you aint gonna download everytime u start the pc
then click the apply button and click on "exit without restart" when u do restart the pc- it'll nag about using MS config tool -all u do then is just tick the box and click ok
The amount of pc's i have doen the above to is barbaric -
what people expect from software is to install and work rather than take up Memory and CPU usage when their not using it
Now the spyware issue
Download and install the following below
Ad Aware SE
Latest Firefox [US 1.5]
Suggestion to use FF all the time ONLY use IE for FTTP/ web server access
Spyware Doctor
Spyware Sweeper
use al lof the Anti spyware appz suggested please bud because all of them work differently and many peeps trust Ad Aware too much when al lthat does is dust lil bits of spyware when al lthe other find stuff that Ad Aware wont
hope this help bud