Hey all,
Been meaning to post about this for a while, but kept forgetting. Unfortunately it just happed again recently, and this time it put the computer out of action for about a month lol. Anyway down to the problem. I'm not too sure how to actually describe this problem, except to say what actually happens. Basically if the computer is not powered up for more than 7-14 days, when you next come to turn it on, it won't boot through properly. No logos or hard drive initializing messages appear on screen, the screen just remains white/blank, like how it is when you just turn the monitor on, but leave the base unit off, however in this instance the base unit is on. One thing i did notice tho, was on the diagnostic bracket that comes with the mobo, the led lights indicate that there is an "Initializing Keyboard error" This same led display appears every time this problem occurs. So i guess it's at this Initializing Keyboard Boot Stage that it hangs up on. However i can't find anything wrong with the keyboard, (Genius Keyboard) it seems to work fine, and also seems to be installed correctly and no conflicts register in device manager.
Each time this weird problem occurs different things seems to remedy it, for example, one time just an incorrect shutdown fixed it, another time a cold boot sorted it, other times i just leave it for a week or so, then when i come to turn it on, it seems ok again. Although when it does eventually boot up i usually have to re-assign all the bios settings again, as they always seem to be lost when the "Initializing Keyboard error" occurs. The best way so far to avoid this, seems to be to just make sure the computer does not go un-used for more than 1 week lol, but this is stupid having to remember to power up the pc every week to prevent it not booting
Any idea's on how to remedy this ?
Cheers, Dave.