I'd use my £75 to buy something around £80, haven't got much cash to spare after buying a loaf of bread.
I'd use my £75 to buy something around £80, haven't got much cash to spare after buying a loaf of bread.
If I won, I’d use my £75 voucher to single handedly boost the economy by spending it as quickly as is humanly possible on something my wife really doesn’t want me to buy.
If I won, I’d use my £75 voucher to Upgrade my AMD XP to a full new system and save £75 of the price whoo hoo ... Maybe my wife wont complain about how much it cost to build then.
Project - C-Macc's 2 http://forums.hexus.net/chassis-syst...tch-build.html
Mayhemd Dyes - Put some mayhem in you system today.
If was lucky enough to win this competition, I would use the £75 voucher to offset the £75 of lottery tickets I would buy - just in case my luck continued. I would then have a physical object, a memento if you wish, to mark that day of stupidity.
If I won, I’d use my £75 voucher to... buy a Wii Fit in order to train and hone my body into an Elite Fighting Machine and once trained (aiming for a Wii Fit age of below 40 here), I'd be a one-man army, not only capable of taking on the overwhelming firepower of Destroyer and Webby, but also to eliminate the evil group of Ninja Tech Sabotuers that enter my house every night and plant small bluescreenofdeath timebombs in my PC...some may say it's suicide and that I must think I am some sort of God - No, God would have mercy....I won't.
1 wheel > 2 wheels > 4 wheels | My Photos
If I won, I’d use my £75 voucher to buy that Intel Core i7 920, as suggested in the news article actually!
I've been using my Athlon X2 for a few years now, watching it being overtaken by all my friends, so I'm dying to upgrade!
If I won, I’d use my £75 voucher to buy Hexus a Calender.
~Proper one too, with girls on and everything!!!
If I won the £75 voucher I would use it toward a laptop for my girlfriend. Then she might stop pestering me to give her mine. And hopefully she will keep sharing my bed.
If I won, I’d use my £75 voucher to find a cure for cancer & bring an end to war and starvation.... but failing that I'd like a net radio for my office to drown out the noise of nagging spouse & bickering children
If i won, i'd use the £75 voucher to sort out the economic turmoil in Iceland (the country, not Katona's hideout) by having a voucher worth more than their entire banking system...
I would buy a Swann Nightvision BulletCam because it sounds like something from the Matrix.
@taktak lol so cruelly true
If I won, I’d use my £75 voucher to bribe a female to do a sexy dance
If I won, I’d use my £75 voucher to Buy a USB Plasma Ball in Black which i would have sat in my bedroom infront of me whilst i had a black dress with a hood on (maybe suspenders), with the lights off and i would also purchase a Star Wars USB Light Sabre Glow Desk Lamp that i would have by the side of me so that i could pick up and swat my enemies that enter the doorm of the chosen one whilst using key quotes like "Luke, i am your father" and stroking the small usb ball of doom that attracts small animals (normally goats) into my room to build my army of star warsieness...... A nd aim to take over the small farm next door mwahaha ... ha.. ha x6
well thats what i would do
If I won, I’d use my £75 voucher to buy my family christmas presents, students are poor
Pitty me mighty competition judges
much love <3
Last edited by String3R; 10-11-2008 at 12:12 PM.
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