Read more.Our tip is to save frequently, Fable 2 is riddled with bugs.
Read more.Our tip is to save frequently, Fable 2 is riddled with bugs.
This isn't the one that stops it working on a PC is it?
every single game that gets released has countless problems :|
are they just skipping past 'testing' to save money or something?!
Have you any idea how long it would take to test an RPG to the level software gets tested?
If they made an automated testing situation is should be ok, but with so many paths you can take it becomes very difficult to test.
To their credit they had the multiplayer patched BEFORE it came out in the UK (I played it last wed and it patched when I put it in)
These games are just so much more complicated than older ones. Not neccessarily in ways the player would notice, but the data back-ends etc. are.
if they can't make games this complicated without millions of problems and breaks, then they should just stick with PACMAN imo.. or they should make sure their games work to a very high standard before releasing them.
Fable 2 is brilliant. I'm just glad they're working on fixing it asap. - undisputedly the UK's largest, best trusted and most influential PC technology enthusiasts resource - the original, the best, the most trusted independent customer & retailer ratings - discussions, help, opinions & news
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Salazaar (28-10-2008)
They thought it did work to a very high standard before releasing it. If you have any ideas how they can guarantee that without significantly affecting time or money then they would love to hear it (actually, so would every games developer and publisher in existance).
i'm sure if they spent the time doing testing and making sure the game really is 'good' then it'd cost a lot less in the long-run.. surely this will affect reputation and all-sorts?
and the amount of money they'll be spending right now on getting these patches and everything done will be quite substantial.
i'm just saying that maybe they should put more money into getting the game out without anything wrong with it, first time, instead of ruining reputations and stuff..
what about people that have bought the game but have no internet connection?
do they just have to live with the huge problems?
And what if they've already done that? Which to be honest, they will have done - that's what I'm saying. They will have already spent the time and money doing TONS of testing.. on a modern game QA cannot be 100% faultless without you having to sacrifise something else (like make the game much simpler, charge twice the price for it, etc.) But, if you think there's something they can do differently to make the money and time they spend testing work better then I'm sure we're all ears
Tell you one glitch they should have worked out - NO WORLD MAP!
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