i find i can maintain a fairly substantial overclock without the need for water cooling
i find i can maintain a fairly substantial overclock without the need for water cooling
I thought capacitors did lose it over time, not instantly which is why i think its merely stored power which isnt enough to start it.
I didnt plan on opening the PSU as i want the warranty and so i was just hoping for advice on say rubber seats etc, does it work? SHould i shove a fan outside of the PSU next to the fan grill to help suck air out?.
A capacitor is a basically like a battery that can hold a relatively small amount of charge but can release it very quickly so once it's charged up it will hold it's charge until something short circuits it (like a battery it also loses charge over time but as the amounts are small it loses it faster than a battery will)
So unless the psu automatically earths the capacitors when you turn it off (very unlikely) then they will still be charged and the large primary capacitors in a psu can hold quite a bit of charge.
A few years back my brother use a couple of very large industrial capacitors to make an arc solidering system.
As to slienceing the psu, basically it's buy a quieter psu, the addition of rubber gaskets and mounting blocks can also be used to reduce vibration from it going into the case, depends on what the sound issue is.
just connect across both legs of a cap i.e. a screwdriver, et voila instantly (safely) discharged...
when you charge a cap the electrons basically go from one plate to the other, and then remain there, and then when you discharge the electrons balance out on both plates again
if you discharge through a resistor then it takes longer for the cap to discharge (5 time periods)Code:at rest ¦ ¦ e ¦ ¦ e e ¦ ¦ e e ¦ ¦ e ¦ ¦ charging electrons flow < e ¦ ¦ e ¦ ¦ e ¦ ¦ e ¦ ¦ e ¦ ¦ e ¦ ¦ discharging electrons flow back > ¦ ¦ e ¦ ¦ e e ¦ ¦ e e ¦ ¦ e ¦ ¦
so if you had a 50mA cap discharging through a resistor of 20K ohms then:
T=50*20 (m and K cancel [x10^-3 and x10^3])
the cap discharges by 63% each time period, so is effectively 0% after 5T (is exponential so it would take a while for it to be truly zero)
5*T=5000 seconds to discharge fully
Last edited by TAKTAK; 11-12-2008 at 02:55 AM.
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