Crikey did I set off a chain reaction of negativity?
I just, you know thought everyone thought that anyway
I just registered today because I forgot my login from 2 years ago...
Anyway...since people asked the settings question does one upload the avatar? (I browsed the settings but it just states that I don't want one )
Also, I'm not a "hater" or "anal" (whatever you were thinking of ), my opinion will not have a
negative impact on Patrick's business, but may help his business model in the long run.
I would really like to buy some components at the cheapest possible prices so I would happily order
stuff from c3 should the price be great. But it is obvious that companies like ebuyer who ship 8000
orders per day have privileges that C3 cannot dream of at this time. And should they seek to
"compete" on any ground with "the big boys", C3 would have to innovate (for example Dyson
innovated..and won in a similar game...) be it in the support, components or the software sector.
Whatever it is, it would have to be exceptional. An example that comes to mind is VeryPC...a dying
donkey imo, many people thought they would be they offer free servers and their mega
5 year warranty turned to a 3 year one..... am I an annoying pessimist?...all I can say is prove me
wrong, and I'll happily get out my wallet
Anyway, people keep forgetting that many of the currently huge companies were initially started up
by absolutely broke students. Every year, 1000s of kids in their early 20s start up companies...those
who make it half way, are published in aeroplane magazines (that guy with the smoothie machine
thingy etc) the ones who really MAKE it, are anonymous, why? because they were either very very
intelligent or prepared their s**t well in advance......
I'll finish with the following question;
When you go to the supermarket to get your washing powder and see 10-25 "brands" competing
with each other, how many companies do you think are competing?