Read more.We're giving away a 3XS Z170 Vengeance base unit worth £1,499.99!
Read more.We're giving away a 3XS Z170 Vengeance base unit worth £1,499.99!
aramil (06-08-2015),DanceswithUnix (05-08-2015),GuidoLS (06-08-2015),jag272 (20-08-2015),KeyboardDemon (05-08-2015),shaithis (05-08-2015),stevie lee (05-08-2015)
Woah.. entered! Thanks Hexus, Scan and Asus!
Wow. Nice prize! Pretty please with sugar on top?
I think I can win this.
I believe I can win this.
I believe.
That's a hell of a prize.
Very nice prize. In fact it looks a bit of a bargain even at £1,499 once you price up the individual parts
Fingers crossed!!
Please let the force be with me
What a cracking prize. Many thanks to Scan and Hexus.
i was wondering what the hell was a Z170 motherboard before putting skylane and a new board together
Thank you Hexus, Scan, and Asus.....daddy wants another encoding rig.
please let me win, i need a new rig, then again 7years is no age for a pc these days
I feel like I've not suffered enough disappointment, entered so I can remedy that!
Wow, that is an amazing prize to give away. I'm sure whoever wins this will be VERY happy.
It will be a really epic competition only when I win it. I'll spend a whole month benchmarking it.
Will I be able to play Freecell on this?
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