A new month, a new CATALYST release from ATi. Aside from the usual treats you'll find in a driver release, such as bug fixes and performance tweaks, this CATALYST release also has a variety of new and imrpoved features. ATi has provided HEXUS with a handful of slides from a presentation by Terry Makedon, outlining these new features.
2D image quality is equally, if not more important that 3D image quality and framerates, given how much time people spend using computers for tasks other than gaming (let's face it; gaming is such an arduous task.)
The next big thing in broadcasting is HDTV and so we're seeing more and more HDTV products popping up on the market. Hooking up an HDTV to your ATi card just got easier.
Colour control, HDTV and video options... I am starting to see a trend in the new CATALYST features.
Improvements to the Control Center make it more appealing to use, perhaps enough to get those who still use the control panel to switch.
The release notes for version 5.4 state they they will work with ATi's newest ALL-IN-WONDER products. The new features outlined above certainly seem aimed to users who will be working with various video sources and outputs.
As release of 64-bit Windows XP draws ever closer and the number users running beta versions is ever growing, so the 64-bit version of the 5.4 release will be welcomed, release notes for which can be found here. Grab the driver from ATi's website.
If you're running good old 32-bit XP, then you can grab the Catalyst Control Center version of the drivers, alternatively there's a version with the classic Control Panel.