There I completely disagree. Your usage scenario is extraordinarily memory hungry compared to the vast majority of PC users. Most people aren't running VMs, aren't editing "a few streams of 1080p video", aren't firing up Premier Pro / Adobe CS 6 all the time. Most people check their email and facebook and watch youtube videos, or run outlook and MS Word in an office environment. I work with large Access front ends and SQL server databases, plus quite often run a VM for alternative OS/Browser/Office version testing (and occasionally fire up Visual Studio). I rarely see over 4GB of usage even then. I've run similar loads on machines with 4GB quite happily, without noticing any obvious slow down (although I'm not complaining about having more memory on my current machine, as it means I can up the RAM on my VMs ). The fact that the vast majority of people commenting on this thread - who by their association with Hexus can be assumed to be at the more demanding end of the user scale - seem to find your tab usage and memory load unusually high should tell you something.
Your usage is *not* conservative. And for the vast majority of people, 4GB of RAM is more than enough, just as a basic 2GHz dual core CPU is enough, and basic Intel integrated graphics is enough. None of that precludes some users needing more powerful hardware (you don't need to read too far back in this thread to find me describing one example in a previous job), but it does mean that it can be hard to understand how those edge cases occur - even for those of us with plenty of experience. To be running a web browser in such a way as to consume 7GB of RAM on its own is such a huge outlier it's understandable that many are incredulous at it.