Hey all, having a bit of a problem with my connection lately. After a ****up by BT a few months ago they kindly informed Nildram i would no longer require my ADSL from them and as such i was cut off .
I couldn't get reconnected straight away (had to basically restart my contract with them and wait to be connected again as if a new customer). Since then my connection has been nowhere near as stable (was perfect before the disconnect) and drops out frequently, and always if the phone is rung in or out or even just clicked onto the dial tone.
As you can imagine this is pretty annoying (i may as well be on bloody dialup!), i've changed out the ADSL filter for a new one on the offchance it was knackered but nothing...anyone got any ideas before i rage down the phone at BT?.
P.S. I'm supposed to be on 2meg but usually get 1 to 1.5meg, with a Draytek 2800G router.