ADSL = 3.5km
RADSL = 6km
All 512kbit packages sold are RADSL regardless of your distance from the exchange.
RADSL, or rate-adaptive asymmetric digital subscriber line, will ensure that you always get your ~512kbit downstream but depending on line quality can sacrifice your upstream a little.
If your line quality is not great you should still get your max download but your upload speed can be slower than expected.
Getting RADSL could be tricky for yourself, it may well work but because BT's initial test has not shown favourable results you don't really have much comeback if it doesn't.
Additionally, you would either have to have the RADSL installed on another line or have your ISDN line reconverted back to a PSTN line then upgraded to an RADSL line.
Where I work (Tech support for an ADSL isp) I see allot of people in your boat. A common solution is to get another line installed. In 90% of cases this additional line shows up perfectly on the BT availability test and ADSL installs without a glitch. This being the case, most people then cancel and disconnect their ISDN lines and live happily ever after