Two days ago I moved one of my desktops to another room, and with it, I moved the phone line so I could connect the internet. I'm pretty sure I reconnected all the wires correctly, but my internet doesn't work. My router (a D-link) says that the connection couldn't be better, but my computer isn't reading the signal. I tried it on my brand spanking new laptop (which was the reason for the move) and another desktop, but it hasn't worked on any. I've now had to resort to using my university computer, but it was a complete nightmare for the last two days when the university had a power cut and was frantically sending important e-mails I couldn't see! I had to resort to texting friends, which is okay, if only you had your own mobile (have not yet replaced my broken mobile) and friends who check their mobiles regularly!!!
Don't know much about computers, so if the information is insufficient (sorry about the majority being full of my personal rant) then please let me know.