Just had a call from my mum, who's with Zen ADSL in a rural area of Staffordshire.
For the past couple of weeks, her ADSL connection appears to be have been bombing out at approximately 9pm every day, unusable for the evening, but has re-appeared by the morning.
It's not a computer issue, because the Netgear router control panel shows it as 0 kbit up and down, or the router's connection light is flashing like it normally does when it's dialling out.
The connection, (although slow due to being a million miles away from the exchange) has been reliable for all the time she's had it... just under a year if I remember correctly. BTW, when I say slow, she normally gets about 500kbit, but on the occasional good day she might get 700ish. Woo!
She's been on the phone to Zen tech support, but they can't find anything their side... so, does anyone have any ideas what could cause a connection to fart out at the same time every day for the past couple of weeks?