Hi, i have sky broadband (16mb) and have noticed that over the past few weeks that my internet download speed has dropped dramatically. Just a few weeks ago, i was downloading files at around 360kBps whereas now, i am lucky if the speed is able to exceed 100kBps. Also, my ping has increased from about 61 ms to over 100ms all the time. I ran these tests both at the same time (~17:00) and am curious as to how my speed and ping dropped so low? For all of these tests, i have used www.speedtest.net and my latest result is as follows:
I am using an Edimax EW-7728In which is a draft n 2.0 PCI card and the netgear router which came with the sky broadband package on a vista machine.
Thanks in advance for any help, this issue is really annoying me and prohibiting me from downloading files over 100mb.
PS i tried with the laptop and am experiencing download speeds of around 200-250kBps, though the laptop has never been able to exceed speeds of 300kBps. Thanks again.