Hey guys just having a bit of a problem with part of subnetting, im doing a CCNA course at the moment wondered if i could have a hand...
now this question is give me a headache... / subnet mask /
find out which 2 are on the same network
now i know this is a class A network and it uses 5 bits from the 2nd octet giving it a /14 prefix
i have four addresses including this one to find two that are on the same network... i usually do an AND calculation of the first network address
this gives me Network and because of the 6 bits borrowed from the host leaving 2 2^2 = 8
that gives 8 hosts per subnet meaning it should go up in 100 - 108 109 - 116 117 - 124 but given that then it would mean that they all are on the same network?
can any1 shed some light