I bought all my bits from Scan in August.
This post is longer than I was expecting, so I've laid it out to make for easy reading...
The basic specs are:
Corsair TwinX 2GB 800MHz
Gigabyte GA-P35-S3 motherboard
2x WD5000AAKS SATA hard drives
Seaonic S12II PSU
X1950Pro PowerColor graphics
Firstly, some background on the hardware:
This may or may not be related to the cause of the problem:
When it all arrived, the heatsink on the motherboard was hanging loose at one end and could see the spring-loaded clip had broken and was loose in the bag. Not wanting to send it back for something that appeared superficial; it was easy to repair by using cable ties: One through the heatsink and board and held with the head of another cable tie on the back. This appears to hold the heatsink in place perfectly. I would like assurance that this won't have voided the warranty, as it can easially be snipped off to leave it in it's original condition - I have kept safe the 2 parts of the broken clip together with the spring.
To the problem:
I'm finding this problem very hard to diagnose because the PC functions perfectly most of the time; I'll describe how I have noticed it in steps:
The first symptom of the problem:
I first noticed that the hard drive activity led stays on permanently after I have been using the PC for a while. Although the pc still works fine, it was driving me nuts me not knowing what was causing it, and being new to vista I started a thread thinking it was something vista was doing. With this happening, I haven't noticed any performance problems. I found that restarting the PC would stop it happening sometimes, but not if I had the PC on for a long time.
After ruling out Vista causing the hd led to be on permanently, I ran the Western Digital HD Diagnostics to test both hard drives. No errors.
The second symptom of the problem:
When I have been using the PC for a long time, the hd led will be permantly on. When I restart the POST screens take a lot longer than usual: It hangs on "Memory Runs At Dual Channel Interleaved" for around 20-30 seconds (that normally only hangs for 2-3 seconds), then at "Detecting IDE Drives . . ." (that normally happens in a split second) It hangs for vairying times, from 5 seconds to over a minute! Windows will then boot normally but the HD LED is still permanently on during all this. However, doing a hard reboot, the problem goes away.
The third symptom of the problem, and most serious:
I've just recently installed and started playing a few games, and I've found this brings on the problem very fast. Also, it's introduced a new symptom that I'm sure is related; When I've been playing for only a short time, the led will permanently stay on. After a little longer, at random times on any game, the game will hang for a few seconds upto several seconds, the sound will repeat in a fast loop, just as if the game is going to crash, or as if you'd expect a BSOD to appear, but then the game continues as normal. It happens regularly, the more often the longer I play for, until it happens so often that I have to do a hard reboot - then the problem soon comes back again. This is what has prompted me into finding and fixing the problem which could be related to the motherboard?
Other notes on my system:
I am dual booting Vista and XP. I have my games installed on XP and only really use XP for games, most of the time I use Vista. The symptom is not related to the OS as it happens on both. They are installed on the same HD on seperate even partitions and a western digital diagnostic on the hd shows it is healthy.
I'm very confident this is not a virus problem as I rarely even come across them (I have nod32 antivirus), and the problem has been happening since clean installation, happening more regularly over time.
Please, has anyone got any ideas what is causing the problem?