It is just a plain better way to download patches.. trailers and the like.
since things resume correctly etc...
I am a registered with borland and I am trying to get their community edition jbuilder. but the ftp/http download keeps b0ning me by failing.. or being corrupt. TORRENT. there ARE legit things u can use it for.
Speil over.
I connect to the internet through a LAN at uni halls. This has a BIATCH of a router/firewall and I can't get them to open the ports.
HOW on earth do I go about circumventing this, I read loads but its just people saying "it is slow wtf ?", but it seems possible to do. Speed is not really an issue as long as things download and resume as needed I can wait..
I have a load of clients installed the basic behaviour I get is that things NEVER get started which is to be expeced.
thanks for any help in advance