Im going to try to keep things simple so...
This is my current network setup:
PC2 -------------- PC1 -------------Internet
The obvious disadvantage of this is that PC1 needs to be turned on and logged into windows in order for PC2 to have Internet access, this is why i think i need a router.
This is what i require:
PC1 -----------\
---------------- Router ------ Cable Modem -------- Internet
PC2 -----------/
Im not quite sure what I need to look for in a router. I would like a firewall built into it, and i beleive i need a switch built into it aswell if PC1 and 2 want to communicate with each other. At the moment the modem is connected to PC1 via USB but it could also be using RJ-45. My inital look around has come up with the following routers from maplin.
Which of these if any should i go for?