I borrowed an Alcatel modem, as this is the only thing they'll support.
Then I called their Customer Services on 0845 6500000 who then passed me on to their 'prepaid' technical support 0845 6501000.
The guy I was speaking to used a virtual login to check my account then it magically started to work. I then used my Netgear and everything worked.
All I can say is that Virgin.net website support sucks and Hexus users Rock.
Help, I'm a bit of an ADSL ludite and foolishly chose Virgin.net as my new ADSL provider.
I'm trying to connect to Virgin.net ADSL with a Netgear 834G wireless router and Modem.
I've tried my username and password (dummy data):
Username : aeon.f242@adsl.virgin.net
Password : password1
The error I get is:
Connection Status
Connection Time 00:00:00
Connecting to Server Disconnect
Negotiation LCP down.
Authentication CHAP authentication failed
Getting IP Addresses ---
Getting Network Mask ---
I've attached a word document with screen prints.
the encapsulation I'm using is PPPoA(PPP over ATM)
I'm pretty much using the following settings:
Any of you Virgin.net heads help me, cheers...
Finally I heard rummour that Netgear doesn't like Virgin.net, at least with the 814 model.