I've been having issues with a socket that is supposed to have broadband enabled on it.
When I plug the modem in, it can't synch with the exchange, despite a line check saying that there is no problem. I've tried with two different modems and still can't get anything.
Nildram, the service provider, contacted BT and then reported back that BT had done something at the exchange and it should work... but it's still the same.
The thing is, this is on a second line with a separate number, but the actual socket is passed through the socket for the other number.
Removing the faceplate of the socket showed that the orange and green pairs of wires had been stripped from the existing line and used for the second line... except that only the orange pair is actually connected to the socket... the green pair is just coiled up and hanging free in the back of the socket.
Could this be the problem? The orange pair is connected by the two screw clamps on the back of the socket and nothing is connected to the push fit thingies.
I don't know how the other socket is wired up as I haven't looked, but I'm suspicious of BT cutting corners with the installation of a second line as it looks like they've just stripped out wires from the first line... I know that the line doesn't use all the pairs, but I'm certain that you need more than just two wires connected... there isn't even the third 'ring' wire connected.
btw, it's not me being dumb OR dodgy equipment my end... We've tried connecting using two different modems and three different filters all of which I have tested at home and connected with no problems... and Nildram talked me through the modem set-up just to be sure, but that was all fine too.