I have a friend, we'll call her Jane, who is working in a remote office on the end of a poor VPN - poor in terms of speeds, connectivity and support.
Only Jane uses the connection continuously during working hours, the other remote workers aren't as reliant on IT. Jane needs access to remote databases, network shares and obviously all services provided by the server (DNS, AD, etc), so when the VPN falls over, nothing works.
All workstations are locked down, she is a local user and so nothing can be installed. All wireless connections go through an AP on the back of the VPN and there is a strict no-BYOD policy.
These issues have been reported at all levels, but nothing appears to be done. It seems it's an issue outside of IT's skillset. What she'd like to be able to do is monitor the connection from 9 to 5:30 every day for a week and then present a graph of drops, slow downs and so on. Mainly to prove it is a problem that needs fixing.
A combination of smokeping, uptimerobot and thinkbroadband's monitor. Does such a program exist?
Thank you