By all means, criticize, just do it proper!
Ok, so being a reviewer means I spend a vast amount of my time criticizing other people’s work. It’s only fair then that other should be able to criticize mine and I totally accept that.
I’m quite happy to debate a review as long as anyone wants to; in fact one of my reviews generated debates across different forums with each thread running into the mid teens in just the number of pages… I think I wrote more defending my opinion than I did in the original review which says something for the slightly scary fanaticism displayed by fanboys.
For every review I write I make sure to post up a thread about it for people to discuss the review and, if they feel like it, have a go at me for either slagging off their fave play or ‘big upping’ what they feel is a waste of time… not a problem, bring it on and let’s hear what you’ve got to say. It’s unlikely you’ll change my mind about anything as I consider each review very carefully before it’s published but I’m always up for a ruck.
But one thing that really gets me going is those who choose to critique the reviews through an e-mail from their Gmail or Hotmail account. Now normally this wouldn’t tick me off too much, especially if it’s constructive criticism as we should all always be working to improve.
No, what really gets me is those that can’t find a flaw in a review but disagree purely on the basis of they love the series too much for it to ever be anything other than perfect with each incarnation. These folks are clever enough to realise that just e-mail me with ‘U suX0r!!!11’ probably isn’t going to get their point across or alleviate their pent up anger that someone has scored their favourite game poorly.
So they try a different tack and point out spelling and grammar errors in the reviews.
Spelling and grammar errors.
And what, pray, does that have to do at all with the review itself? I mean, come on, even if Keats himself had reviewed Black and White 2, he’d still have found it to be a poor remake of the original.
But, I’ll be moderate, I’ll accept that spelling a grammar errors shouldn’t be allowed, because they shouldn’t and I’ll quite happily hold my hands up and say yes, I did spell check the review, but sadly ‘tot he’ and ‘to the’ don’t show up as they’re both proper words. The same can be said for ‘fro’ and ‘for’, ‘hem’ and ‘them’ and plenty of other examples. I average between 3,000 to 4,000 words per review and put up at least two reviews a week so errors are going to creep in and I’ll happily correct any that the pedants out there like to point out.
If you e-mail me to point out spelling and grammar errors, just damn well make sure you’ve not got any in you mail as there’s nothing, and I mean nothing, more annoying than spending 10 minutes deciphering text-typing to discover it’s a complaint about how I spelt ‘centre’… Or I accidentally typed the same word twice…
So be warned, the next disastrous mail I get from a ten thumbed muppet is going to get posted up in this thread for all to see and critique… after all, if you’re going to criticize, be prepared to have the same done to you!