I have just completd my first water cooling build and I am well impressed with the result. You purists out there will say yeah its just a kit though,but I thought I would start simple if you can call it that and it is once I got round the fear of water near my precious rig it all went smoothly. My only hitch was after leak testing when I fired it up the alarm went off and it took a little time to figure out it was the cpu fan alarm. I had compensated for this by plugging my case fan into the header but it was turning to slowly. The temperature difference is amazing and so is the silence. My X1950XT has gone from 65c idle and 95-100c load to 34c idle and around 45c load. CPU now 26c idle and 32c load no OC yet. I wonder how long I keep it in one piece before I start experimenting with different blocks. I can now give Stalker a proper workout as I could not before as it was cooking my GPU.