So one day I was using my computer as usual and it kept shutting off. I go down into the basement to see what the problem is (yes, I keep it in the basement with DVI/USB/RCA cords fed up through the walls to my monitor / kb&m / sound, etc).
When I boot it up, it goes for a few seconds and then turns off. I also heard this horrible alarm-sounding error code. So I figure it's a temperature problem. I take it up stairs, open it up to work on, and sure enough... for no apparent reason, my CPU heat sink had simply "fallen off". I don't know why. This is one of the "new" AM2 socket layouts, btw.
But that's not the weird thing. I look around at the rest of the computer components, and notice something odd. Can you tell from the pictures? This PC has been running in my dirty, dusty, basement for almost a continuous year (11 months) and there is ABSOLUTELY NO dust. Anywhere. At all. I have never seen anything like this. There is usually a build-up of dust on all the fans and every horizontal surface after only a couple months.