Im building a PC for my sister, she doesnt play any games & spends most of her time on the PC using MSN, music & the web. Iv got a spare 6600GT she can use here so she doesnt need a graphics card, iv also got a spare Xp copy so she will be using that aswell. I also will be giving her my Zalman PSU so the coolermaster 620 is for me.
Budget wise i havnt really been given one, but nothing too extravergant. Im just after a good solid PC that is reliable yet doesnt break the bank.
Anyone got any advice or tips?
Cheers guys.
edit: Does anyone know of any alternatives to the Coolermaster 620watt PSU? Im after a fully modular design, around the same price. I havnt had much luck in finding one but figured it was worth asking. Not only that, the cables that arnt modular(built into the PSU), which cables are they, 1 mobo & 1 graphics card?